Guidelines for Facebook Banners
Tingalls Graphic Design is often asked to update cover images for our clients on Facebook and we’re more than happy to help you reinforce your brand, increase customer loyalty and recognition. We feel it’s […]
Tingalls Graphic Design is often asked to update cover images for our clients on Facebook and we’re more than happy to help you reinforce your brand, increase customer loyalty and recognition. We feel it’s […]
Charitable causes that aren’t reaching out to their donors through social media and direct mail may want to reconsider their fundraising efforts. A recent study from Campbell Rinker found that a direct mail appeal for […]
The phone, or mobile device, has evolved so much that people now carry their photos, their calendars, their personal data with them at all times and constantly refer to it to stay connected with loved […]
The logo creation process is unique to every company logo. At Tingalls Graphic Design we have a set procedure for designing logos but, as we sometimes find, the ideas can come at anytime and anywhere, […]
At Tingalls we understand how important a company logo is. Your logo will be instantly associated with your business, it represents you and needs to appropriately reflect your company goals, products and image. We have […]
Some of you may have noted that when you’re doing a Google search the results seem to be more localized. If you type the query “Mexican restaurant” into Google you’ll get results from your area, […]
We’ve covered SEO tips in the past, but what about SEO mistakes? What are you doing, or not doing, that can actually be harming your website’s ranking on the search engines? 1) Keywords – you’ll […]
I recently attended an SMBA meeting with representatives from the local Google office. The topic of the day was Google Places and why your business should register with Google Places. Google designed its Place Pages […]
Let’s be completely honest for a minute, we often judge by appearances. Look at the old cliché…how many times have you actually selected a book because the cover looked interesting. Take it a step further, […]
A recent study by the Pivot Conference discovered that 37% of marketers plan to be more active in their social media campaigns in 2012. Why the push for social media? It appears as though people […]
A website is the foundation of a good, solid online strategy and in today’s digital environment, having an online presence is almost necessary to reach buyers. But having a website and having an effective, quality […]
A trade show is a major investment in time and money for a business, but it can also be one of the most valuable marketing opportunities around. The challenge is to really create an impression […]
A “GOLD NUGGET“ from the WWE Panel Discussion on “Marketing Your Message Through Social Media“. Thank you to the Panelists: Cathy Yerges, PEAK PROFITS, LLC; Rena Ripp, Hummingbird Social Media LLC, & Barbara Samuel, ALL WRITE, […]
While most people feel that they can confidently find the information they’re looking for on Google, they’re often doing it in a haphazard way that can waste valuable time. This is why we’ve come up […]
It seems we’re constantly barraged with social media today, from friends to corporate marketing strategies and everything in between. Because of the wide use and acceptance of social media it has become a very valuable […]
Social media is becoming a huge part of company strategy and marketing, but it’s still a fairly novel invention, which means there are social media mistakes abound. So, just for fun, let’s take a look […]