Best Of Blog: Mobile Updates

Google Search Mobile UpdateBack in April, when Google rolled out its “Mobilegeddon” update, there was a lot of panic and disinformation zipping about. So Tingalls Graphic Design put together a few articles to make sure our readers had all the information we had, as soon as we had it. It’s been a few months and the “mobilegeddon” update did affect search engine listing pages (SERPs). So if you’re feeling out of the loop or want to revisit the issue, check out these articles.
The True Cost of Lost Mobile Traffic
If currently your website is utilizing optimal keywords and fresh relevant content, it’s a non-sleeping, never-surrendering, always on-time, no sick days salesperson for you and your organization. It’s the equivalent of a TV commercial 24/7/365 with no airtime fees.
But what if your target audience is smartphone users? Then come April 21st, your website will be taking a serious medical leave. Read more…
Is Your Site Mobile Friendly
People are using their mobile devices more and more to search the web, which beckons the question: is your website mobile friendly?
If you’re not sure, the easiest way to answer this question is to simply view your website on a mobile device. If all the sections on your homepage load properly, you should be in good shape. If you’re finding that your site has overlapping boxes, is missing text areas, or you’re unable to access all the pages in your drop down menu, your website might need to be recoded or enhanced for mobile devices. Read more…
Ask The Expert: Mobile Update
In our ongoing efforts to keep clients and friends up to date, here are the latest questions from our FAQ file: Read more…
We Get It!
By now, we’re sure you’ve got the message – mobile is important. It’s no longer a reasonable option for web development. It’s a necessity. The bulk of online traffic comes from mobile devices, and if you’re not mobile friendly, all the SEO in the world won’t help you be seen. Still have questions? Send us an email.