Is Poor Web Performance Hurting Your Internet Marketing Efforts?

When most clients come to us for business web design and say they want “a great site,” they are typically thinking about the way they want it to look, not how they want it to act or what they want it to do. Development – the process of adding stability and functionality into your business website – has always been more important than people tend to think. But now, there is even more evidence that ignoring it can cost your company money.
That’s because Google, the world’s largest search engine and most important Internet marketing hub, recently confirmed that it takes speed into account when determining search rankings. In other words, websites that load slowly could be penalized, while those that load quickly could earn a higher search engine ranking.
While that’s news from a technical standpoint, it shouldn’t be your biggest reason for thinking about your website’s speed. After all, Google might lower you in the rankings, but if an actual customer thinks your site doesn’t load as quickly as it should, they’ll just click away to another online destination without ever telling you why.
If the concept of web performance and page loading times is new to you, here are three important things to keep in mind going forward:
1. Having the proper hosting for your business website is important. A lot of people think of web hosting as some kind of extra service that they should just pay a few dollars a month for and then forget about. The reality, though, is that your web hosting package (and provider) plays a big part in web performance, loading times, the security of your site, and much more.
2. The right design and development make all the difference. Many websites load slowly because they have been incorrectly designed or coded. Additionally, older sites might be missing pages, or pieces of content, that slow it down. If you have any of these problems, now is the perfect time to talk to our team.
3. Your business website should be tested and benchmarked regularly. Not only is online marketing changing all the time, so are search engine algorithms, and even the tactics your competitors use. To see whether you’re slipping in the rankings, whether your web performance is decreasing, etc., your site should be tested by a design and development professional on a regular basis.
Do you need an Internet marketing partner who can help you make the most of search engines, social media sites, and other important tools for finding new customers? Now is the perfect time to talk to Tingalls Design and let us show you how we helped dozens of other companies just like yours.