10 Reasons Why Your Website Might be Under-Performing

Website Design
There are a lot of reasons why websites don’t quite live up to your expectations but, by addressing the following issues you can help boost the popularity of your website, the number of visits you get, your leads and future customers/clients.
1)      You’re not taking advantage of social media – Social media is the modern version of word of mouth advertising and it’s a very important way to reach new audiences and promote loyalty among your current fans.
2)      You don’t have a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) framework built into your site – SEO is constantly changing, but defining your keywords, writing informative and engaging content, and entering your meta data is still the backbone of a good, search-friendly website.
3)      Your website isn’t compelling or user friendly – If people don’t like your website, your competition is just a click away. Good web design and great content is vital in today’s online marketplace.
4)      You used black hat (not legit) SEO techniques – while those emails promising to make your website number one are tempting, they often use black hat (or BAD) techniques to make your website quickly jump in search results. The problem is, if the search engines discover you are using these techniques they can ban your website entirely so you’ll never show up in the search results.
5)      You ignore your website – the search engines want to insure users get the most recent information. This means that you should “touch” the website regularly and add information so it appears to be current and not abandoned. A blog or news page is a phenomenal way to do this.
6)      You’re not actively link building – think of another company linking to your page as a referral. You want to constantly get those referrals, ask other webpage owners if they’d refer your page and add a link on their site.
7)      There’s a lot of competition in your field – some businesses simply have a lot of competition and there are so many websites competing for the same customers it’s very difficult to earn your way to the top.
8)      Your ecommerce site is not informative, easy to navigate or it “feels unsafe” – have you ever been to a website that you just didn’t feel like they were on the up and up?  It’s too easy for a shopper to just click to your competition so you simply cannot afford to look unprofessional, be difficult to navigate or lack security measures.
9)      You’re not using your keywords or you’re using the wrong ones – Keywords are still a vital part of your website, they let search engines and human visitors know what you’re all about. Just make sure you’re using the right keywords.
10)   You don’t have a clear call to action – Most websites exist for one reason (maybe two). Let your visitors know what you want them to do and make it easy for them to do it.
Contact Tingalls Graphic Design if you are interested in making your website work harder for you.