Go Green – Get Printing

Print Marketing with Tingalls
Print Marketing with Tingalls

Print marketing may be more energy efficient than you realize and the benefits of using print could boost your company’s visibility too. The following statistics related to print marketing, the paper industry and the environment were presented by NewPage Corporation and provide some interesting insight on sustainability and marketing.
Did you know that the creation and delivery of direct mail generates less greenhouse gas emissions than an eight minute shower?
In the last 25 year annual energy consumption at US data centers increased by 24% but the pulp and paper industry reduced energy by 24%.
The footprint of paper for one 3×5 inch direct mail card is equal to roughly a minute and a half of viewing time on a website while one hour of TV viewing a day has the same carbon footprint as 1,900 letters.
In 2010, 63.5% of US paper was recycled compared to 25.5% of glass, 20.3% of aluminum and7.1% of plastics.
If you’re thinking about implementing a responsible print marketing campaign, consider a targeted campaign that only reaches a specific subset of your clients to get the most bang for your buck. Contact Tingalls Graphic Design to schedule a consult to discuss your print campaign options.