Tingalls Blog - Marketing Tips & Tricks

Play by Search Engine Rules

SEO Tips

SEO Tips

Almost every website is hoping for that coveted #1 position on Google and there are a variety of ways to get there, legitimate and not-so-honest methods. The important thing to remember is legitimate search engine optimization (SEO) is an integral part of your website and will help you throughout the site’s lifespan. Spammy or SEO trickery will harm your website in the long run and can even get you booted off of a search engine. Tingalls Graphic Design always plays by search engine rules and would love to help you with your SEO strategy.
No Keyword Stuffing
Keywords and keyphrases are very important to your website, using them frequently and effectively can give them even more power. But websites that hide keywords in the background or plop them into text wherever and whenever possible are not doing their site any favors in the long run.  A good saturation level is around 1-5% for an individual keyword when compared to the entire text. If you look at all of your keywords and compare it to the total number of words in the text you should fall in the 5-20% saturation range, depending on your topic.
Avoid Link Farms
Search engines like it when you link to another website and they love it when another one links to you, they consider this like a recommendation or a referral. If you like Tingalls Graphic Design and link to our site that tells the search engines that not only am I real, but someone out there is happy with my services. You should make it a practice of adding links to your website where possible and asking satisfied and happy customers or business partners if they’d do the same. But whatever you do don’t sign up for a “link farm”. The term link farm is just what it sounds like, it’s a place where links are created and collected and linked together to make them all appear more popular than they are. It’s an old SEO scam technique but it’s one to avoid at all costs.
Add Fresh and ORIGINAL Content
Search engines have decided they love websites that constantly add content. They feel this is user friendly and they want to promote sites that users will enjoy. Adding content regularly is key and blogging or creating a newsletter page is not only a great way to add content but it can help to build a relationship with your visitors. But search engines know that content is given away, sold, and stolen regularly so they do not want copied content and they don’t want articles that have been spun. Original content is crucial.
Focus on the User Experience
Search engines want to create the best experience possible, that means they will promote websites that also have that as their goal. Don’t get caught up in SEO techniques and lose sight of your end user in the shuffle.