How can I increase my website ranking?

Search Engine Optimization GraphicA colleague of mine from a company that specializes in search engine optimization (SEO) said one of the most important searchable pieces of your website is actually in the title tag – the description that appears at the top of the window when you’re browsing. I recently changed mine to include logo design and website design in addition to graphic design and am seeing some results from doing so.

As far as meta tags go, just because you have a keyword listed in your source code, if you don’t have it in your content, it’s basically dropped by search engines (i.e. It’s their way of weeding out sites that just list buzz words. For example, if you were to put “Obama” in your list … sure, it’s a popular keyword but if you don’t have copy that duplicates “Obama” in your website, it’s not “counted” to enhance your company’s ranking. Be sure to optimize your copy with the keywords you are trying to rank for as well. Not just a paragraph but ideal amount of copy is 1,000 words! Make sense?

What I suggest to my clients is to pick out your top 10-15 phrases or keywords to describe your company’s products and/or services and make those your meta tags (on all your pages). Then for each per page, write a title tag that’s specific for the content within that page that also includes your company name. Then, for additional ranking, write up a page description that’s 1-2 sentences describing what’s on the page and use keywords in the headlines of your pages instead of generic words like “welcome” or “services”.

Below is what I have for Tingalls logo design page:

Title Tag: Logo Design – Custom Logo Design | Madison, WI | Tingalls Graphic Design

Page Description: Tingalls provides affordable, custom logo designs in 5 business days.

One final note: Updating content regularly also plays a VERY important role in website ranking. So be sure to be making updates to your website at least quarterly. Or, have a link to a blog where you can keep content current via articles and the like. I just launched a blog of my own at It’s filled with tips and tricks and general information on my industry.

Good luck!