How to Get More Facebook Likes Today

Blog6_MoreFBLikesEvery marketer wants to get more attention on social media, but making your posts stand out on Facebook can be difficult. You can expand your reach, and stay in your followers’ feeds more often, if you could generate more “likes,” shares and comments from your content, but how do you get that?

We are glad you asked, because we want to share a few simple things you can start doing right now to get more reactions to your posts.

Use the Right Format – Did you know Facebook gives preferential treatment to videos and images vs. straight text in news feeds? Instead of writing about an answer to a frequently asked question, why not film a short 1-2 minute video! Not only does this bring a level of personalization to your Facebook post, it will also help its chances of getting in front of your viewer.

Be Seen – At the very least you should be posting something once per week. You can’t increase engagement if your fans have nothing to engage with. And with Facebook’s new personalization algorithm in the news feed, if your visitors stop commenting/liking/sharing your posts, eventually they’ll stop seeing you in their news feed altogether.

Show Off Your Lighter Side – Serious marketing messages don’t attract a lot of attention. Give your messages a touch of humor or share something about your company’s unique culture to get viewers to comment, like or share the post. Ask questions, post trivia or share a “did you know” to get your viewers to engage.

Have more ideas? Please share them with us for future blog posts.