Negative Space in Logo Design

Negative space is the area around and between the subject of an image. It’s often an overlooked principle of design but it’s almost as important as the subject itself as it gives the eye a place to rest and can increase the overall effectiveness of the composition. Sometimes negative space is referred to as white space, but this can be confusing as it’s often not white.
Using negative space in your logo design is important as it creates aesthetic composition and a general feel to the logo itself. A very busy logo with little negative space may be perceived as active, exciting or cluttered. A logo that features a lot of negative space may be perceived as classic, elegant or uninformative. Finding the balance between too much and too little negative space in your logo takes careful evaluation and consideration. For logo designers, negative space is an important element in the creative process and not only requires an experience and education but an artistic eye as well.
The following logos are great examples of how effective negative space can be in logo design.

Ski & Board - Negative Space in a Logo

Ski & Board – Negative Space in a Logo

Negative Logo Space for Trinko Group

Negative Logo Space for Trinko Group

Affordable Legal Services - Negative space

Affordable Legal Services – Using Negative Space

Negative Logo Space - Chrysalis Biosciences

Negative Logo Space – Chrysalis Biosciences

If you’re thinking about updating your logo to take advantage of the power of negative space, contact Tingalls Graphic Design and we’ll make it happen.