Get to Know the Tingalls Team: Nicole Jacobson
Name & Title:
Nicole Jacobson, Graphic Designer
How long have you been with Tingalls?
It will be 2 years this fall.
Favorite restaurant?
Chicken Licks (Chicken Lips) – the wings are unbeatable. My order never changes: Original sauce, french fries with dry rub and at least a pint of their house made blue cheese!
Favorite summer activity?
Being in the middle of the woods with my camera snapping action shots of my friends and family racing dirt bikes.
If you could travel anywhere for 2 weeks, all expenses paid, where would you go and who would you take with you?
Maldives for sure, with my husband and a few close friends.
Looking back, what was your favorite design project and why?
My favorite project so far has been working on the Very Young Catholics book series. I have really loved working on this series from designing the logo, to the website to each of the books so far. The photography is absolutely beautiful and helps tell the story of each of the families of children who are featured. I enjoy bringing the text and photos together in a way that helps bring the story to life.
What’s your favorite application to work with and why?
I would say Illustrator. I really enjoy logo designs and more illustrative projects and the scalability of vector designs. Although I have also really grown to love InDesign as well. I feel like they are both critically important to what we do.

Tingalls Spoons March Madness Tournament
What is your favorite team builder at Tingalls?
My favorite team builder so would have to be SPOONS!!! 🙂
What resources do use to spark creativity?
I use a combination of Pinterest and Behance for design inspiration in addition to sketching. I also use & for color palate inspiration.
What is one piece of advice you’d share with a new Tingalls client?
It’s always a good idea (and will save you time and money) to have all your copy proofread before starting the design process.