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Do You Own Your Website Design?

Do You Own Your Website Design? | Tingalls Graphic DesignA lot of business owners have never considered this question. Here’s a hint: If you aren’t sure if you own your website design, then you probably don’t.
That’s because many websites are designed from publicly available and commonly used WordPress templates. That can be a bad thing for a couple of reasons. First, it means your website probably has a generic feel to it. It wasn’t created for your company; it was designed to be used for any company. The difference is going to show in a lot of subtle ways.
Another issue is that you could find a competitor with a nearly identical website. Anyone can use the same template, so if they like the look of your website, why wouldn’t they?
And finally, template websites tend to be overloaded with lots of generic and unnecessary code. Because the original programmers can’t be sure how the website will be used, they pack it with anything and everything they can think of… slowing it down and causing potential conflicts with plugins in the process.
At Tingalls Graphic Design, we only build websites from scratch. That means your layout is tailored specifically for your business, and you own the resulting work. Learn more about our design process.
Why would you settle for anything less?