5 ‘Business Hacks’ to Reduce Stress and Improve Productivity

Blog8_Hacks_ProductivityPsychologists and productivity experts have noted for decades that “engaged” workers tend to get a lot more done. But it’s easy to forget in the midst of busy or stressful times that your employees also need support and encouragement.
Below are five simple “business hacks” we use here at Tingalls on a daily basis:

Embrace Positivity
It’s just as easy to look at the brighter side of things as it is to be grumpy, and the result can definitely increase productivity. We start each weekly staff meeting with an uplifting client testimonial or employees share something positive from their weekend. It helps set the tone for the entire week.

Be Supportive
Remember your team is made up of people with talents, dreams, and ambitions outside their daily work. Be flexible and allow them time away from the office when possible to pursue activities that “fill their buckets.” One of our favorite exercises at Tingalls is to create vision or dream boards and share them as a team. It’s amazing the connections that are made through common interests.

Show You Care
Our team is passionate about giving back to the community. Charitable work helps build goodwill not only with others but between our team. Joining together on a common cause can be a very powerful jelling tool for new teams.

Embrace the Fun
Laughter is a huge component of Tingalls’ success. Allowing staff to be themselves and share ideas without judgment is pretty awesome in any work environment. Don’t be afraid to have an occasional “wacky socks day” or “bring a stuffed animal to work day” to keep the mood light and decrease every day stress.

Schedule Teambuilders
At Tingalls, we organize fun, off-site teambuilders every quarter. It doesn’t have to be elaborate. We try to create the focus around learning more about our team and working together on something non-business related. The American Family DreamBank downtown is an awesome space for this. They always have an engaging theme to explore as well as crafts and activities to build morale – and it’s free!

At Tingalls Graphic Design, we know we have a pretty unique culture. Not a lot of owners would sit down and play the game “Spoons” with their team on weekly basis. That’s just one of the activities that go into the “special sauce” we’re proud to call our own.

We’d love to hear your ideas or what your office does to reduce stress or improve morale! Please let us know for future blog posts!