The Creative Hurricane – Our Logo Design Process

Creative Hurricane - Tingalls Graphic Design

Brainstorm? We prefer the Creative Hurricane.

So, when we think brainstorm, it’s more like, batten down the hatches, get the animals in the barn, roll up the windows and hang on! Watch as we create order from chaos, art from twinkling eyes, brand identity from mere slogans.
Our creative hurricane is what sets Tingalls apart from our competitors. What begins as a passive inquiry into the variety of graphic and marketing services available at Tingalls Graphic Design, rapidly becomes the most satisfying creative endeavor your business has ever seen. Think butterfly effect.
The key is our holistic collaboration. Too often designers work in a void, with input from only one source. At Tingalls Graphic Design, whether it’s logo, brand identity or website creation, our entire creative team is involved. Tingalls Graphic Design is composed of artists and creative first and foremost. Leveraging that density of passion and ability is the cornerstone of our success. That means you have the benefit of dozens of years of experience, and hundreds of successful projects at your fingertips.
Start with a clear sunny day, mix in a curious client looking for a new logo design, one of our laser-focused project managers and maybe a sprinkle of client intake questionnaires, and you got the recipe for a perfect (creative) storm. We begin with a consultation session. Then, like magic, ideas begin swirling; questions fly; ideas bounce, collide and multiply.
Like the calm eye of a perfect storm, this flurry of activity becomes focused design. Our expert artists begin the design process old school – with pencil and paper in a magnificent full-team sketch brainstorm session. Illustrations appear, as if falling from the sky – some sort of majestic creative snowfall. The concepts are shared, refined, and perfected digitally until they are ready for client presentation.
Stop in to see what Tingalls Graphic Design can stir up for your next project.