Direct Mail Brings Home Charitable Donations

Direct Mail and Charitable Donations

Direct Mail and Charitable Donations

Charitable causes that aren’t reaching out to their donors through social media and direct mail may want to reconsider their fundraising efforts. A recent study from Campbell Rinker found that a direct mail appeal for donations was more than three times likely to receive an online gift as a response than an email was.
The study also found that among donors that were aged 60 and above, online donations as a result of direct mail rose from 18% just two years ago to 30%, clearly showing that direct mail is hitting its target.
Thirty percent of the younger set, donors under the age of 40, said that they contributed to a cause because of a post on social media. Charities that have been hesitant to tap into the social media market should explore this avenue as it could be the key to getting younger people involved and interested in their cause.
A surprising statistic found by Campbell Rinker examined the donation habits of people interested in international causes and discovered that direct mail was responsible for 43% of donor responses while email only captured 28% and fundraising events reached 23%.
This shift in attitude towards direct mail and email means that print is not dead, as some had predicted it would be, but is rather seeing a surge in popularity as people routinely ignore unsolicited emails.
Tingalls Graphic Design firmly believes that there is a place for print advertising and we’re happy to offer a whole array of print options for our clients. In addition to design and print services we also offer mailing list services to help you reach more donors through a direct mailing campaign.